Monday, December 17, 2012

Tuesday Transfer

Barring nothing bizarro happening through the night or tomorrow the rheumatologist is recommending my discharge here and be transferred to an in-patient rehab facility for 1-2 weeks (Merry Christmas to me ?!). He thinks now this is a better placement for me since the first IVIG treatment is complete and my focus now needs to be on strengthening my very weakened muscles. I'm a bit disappointed that CPK is not lower than it is, but he doesn't want me to get caught up on the number ( kinda hard to do when I've tracked it for 22 months!).  I look forward to seeing what it is after my midnight blood test though!  He's willing to dismiss me since my swallowing has improved (that's another story!).  Difficulty in swallowing and pneumonia are two huge risk factors with this disease- so that's obviously a point of prayer as well.

Okay, well more to come from my happy rehab place!!!  THANK YOU for continued prayers!  Our family has been so blessed by the prayers of the faithful, an anonymous donation today as well as  learning that my rehab is going to be covered this afternoon. God is good! Oh, and did I mention the rehab facility is about 15 minutes from my house-yay!  That wil make it so much more convenient for David and my parents. Yes, Santa's sleigh (mom and dad...yay!) srrived (again!) and Santa Elf  ( Debra) flew back this morning...sniff sniff!).  How grateful I am for the "village"!

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