Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday update

I've now completed my "first" three day IVIG treatment.   Side effects were minimal...slight headache Saturday-Sunday. My CPK rose each day though- Saturday was 3411, Sunday was 3600 and this morning it's 3924. Although I've have already met the team of internists and rheumatology fellow, I will see the rheumatologist later today. It doesn't look like I will be moving to rehab today due to pending official insurance approval/red tape and just the fact my CPK is still high.  Honestly, David and I don't want to be transferred until we see even more of a decrease in CPK.

When I asked if I have permanent muscle damage I was told if there's damage it can' be reversed (continual high CPK).  I told her, "Ha!!! Oh no, I'm going to have a better, new and improved body than ever before. You must watch. I'm praying for my miracle, and I'm going to get it!!!". She just grinned a said, "Well, I hope so. We think you have a good chance of improving and at least getting back to almost where you were."  Again, "Hahahaha!"  I 'm sorry, but MY GOD is wayyyyy more powerful than any these doctors, any of these medicines, and any of man's wisdom!!

Oh, I wish I could post pics from PT/OT. On Saturday, I looked like a marionette puppet!  They had me hooked up to this contraption to work my deltoids, and I looked quite hysterical!  AA thought the rehab gym was pretty nifty and did her own e exercises while waiting on me.  If you saw me doing these exercises you'd probably wonder how any of those simple exercise/stretches could possibly be helping me, but I'm having to start at the basics to increase my strength.  I've been very please with all the therapist and docs (except for one doc who's a bit too big for his britches....ahem).

On a bit more fun note... The girls sang in their Christmas program last night at our church. Of course, I was sad I couldn't be there, but my friend Michelle patched me in via FaceTime....super cool! S, I was kinda there!! So thrilled David and my sister could be there for them.  Debra flew out
this morning, and mom and dad are arriving this afternoon after a two day drive out here.

Claiming these these promises today...(thanks, mom, for sending!)
"The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.  He hears their cry and saves them."  Psalm 145:18-19

"I will lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from?  My help,comes from The Lord, the Maker of of heaven and earth."  Psalm 121:1-2

"Cast all your cares cares on Him because He cares for [me]!" 1Peter 5:7
Aunt Debs is a great auntie!

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