Thursday, December 20, 2012

Making new friends

I made the transfer to the in-patient rehab Tuesday night. I have to be honest, I was glad to be discharged from the hospital but concerned my CPK was way higher upon discharge than David and I preferred. Monday nite it registered  at 7000 and some other labs were elevated. They redid those tests because it seemed to be a false reading. Sure enough, after taking CPK again a few hours later it was 5000. Still not stellar at all but better than 7000. The rheumatologist still holds to the belief of not getting caught up on the number but more in how I feel. Well, I felt YUCKY on Tuesday  so I didn't think I'd be going anywhere!  He feels this is a better placement in order to receive intense PT and OT.  It's wiping me out! My muscles are so weak and so inflamed the littlest bit of exertion is doing me in....but I will press on!  No pain, no gain, right?!

The facility is nice. The staff is very kind. I'm 1 Iof only 9 patients so they are attentive- all huge praises!  It's a tad humbling to be here. Of course, it's not a circumstance I ever dreamed I'd be in, but I'm meeting new friends in the "gym" and had a lunch date with my new friend, Bonnie.  Man,
everyone has a story, and of course, being in a place like this at age 41 was not in my big picture plan, but I'm enjoying reflecting on my blessings and trying to make the best of it. I confess I had a "moment" this morning- soooo missing my girls and hubby, discouraged by my weakness and inability to do normal life, but after a few tears The Lord reminded me to be strong in The Lord and that He hasn't forsaken me!

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