Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday update

Well, I had bit more action today here on the hospital front than yesterday. Unfortunately, I had another rough night as far sleep goes though.  You know this insomniac can't function with multiple days of no sleep.  I did have about two hours so I'm grateful for that since I had none on Monday night.   I had a team meeting this morning with a group of internists, my day nurse, social worker, etc. I had a speech evaluation due to my difficulty swallowing.  My sister arrived from Texas on a flight this morning and happened to get to the hospital while I was having my speech evaluation completed.  Debra is a speech therapist as well so they got to converse as well. I then met with the rheumatologist again.  We discussed the possibility of the IVIG treatment some more.  The team has put a call into Dr. M's office to discuss my situation, and I have a contacted her as well to get opinion on this treatment option.

David and my prayer is that God would give us His wisdom, peace and confirmation from The Lord if this is the direction we are suppose to go.  This treatment is basically a protein plasma replacement.  One treatment is over several days and takes about 6-7 hours of IV infusion.  The rheumy says if after three months of treatment we don't see improvement then it wouldn't be worth continuing.  It has to be pre approved by insurance since its not your normal, everyday treatment.  It very costly so we are praying no issues with approval from insurance.

On a positive note my muscle weakness has improved a very tiny bit today with IV steroid infusions every six hours since 6pm last night (not good for sleep to have a steady of the 'roid, but it shooting down my CPK now to around 5000 (ER admittance was around 8200).. So we are headed in the right direction.  Praise God!

The OT and PT evaluations and neurology consult did not happen again today...bummer. Hoping those take place tomorrow.  David and Debra did their own PT with me...I walked down the hallway dragging my IV pole while they were very close by. You know...I'm a "fall risk"!!! Lol (inside joke!!). David said my legs were stronger because he didn't have to pull on my as hard to get me up from a sitting position. We will take teeny improvements any day!!

Loved these verses today..,
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.". Isaiah 41:10

"Even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." Psalm 139:10

THANK YOU for all the prayers, texts, prayer pages, calls, emails, carpool help, visits, and Facebook messages.  It  encourages my heart, and I know God hears our prayers!!!!!

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