Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cement Playground

sportin' her new ride!!!

Have I told you how much I love my girls?!?!  Umm, yeah, I do believe I have a few times, but just in case you haven't heard...I love my sweet girls!  They are both so different in so many ways yet they're both so much alike!  Other than them being precious gifts from God, that's probably why I love them so.

I love that they can make the best of just about any situation, and that includes they're new playground...made of cement.  We bought Audrey An a bike with training wheels on Monday, and she has found new freedom (as have I if you can read between the lines!).  We obviously don't get on the main roads to let her practice her new independence, and one of her favorite places to ride is in our dining room.  Since we only have a table and chairs in a rather large room we decided to keep the bike inside.  She rides laps to her little heart's content- yeah for marble floors!

Each day we go riding after school (and before lunch if I'm feeling really rebellious!).  Well, yesterday, Abigail asked if we could go to the park to ride.  I told her we'd have to wait until daddy got home to do that.  You see, I thought she meant the area we've met our little friend to ride.  Abs knows that in order to do that we have to strap AA's bike on the back of the motorbike (with daddy driving) then she and I ride our bicycles to the park.  She said, "No, mom.  I mean the park at the end of the street."  Oh, well, of course!  I'm thinking, "park"???  There is no park at the end of the street!  She said, "the one where we rode yesterday."  She's talking about the 20x50 cement area with two park benches just before the bend in the road.  WOW.  No grass, no jungle gym, no nothing but sisters, bikes, and a deflated mini beach ball!

"This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us REJOICE and be glad in it!"
This little girl's grandfather placed her on the bike for a ride!
intrigued by my cute!!!!

p.s.  Since I posted this this morning I did buy them a ball to play with in case you're wondering : )

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