Monday, March 14, 2011

more medical saga...

For those friends and family back home who are keeping up with me through this blog you all know I've had some medical issues for awhile and have continued to have problems even after my surgery last year.  As of about 3 weeks ago I developed some new symptoms. If they're related to my hormone replacement, I'm unsure at this point.

When we returned from our vacation I began to have muscle pain.  Honestly, I didn't think too much about it the first week.  I chalked it up to not riding my bike for a week and my body was readjusting to biking again everyday.  Well, I decided that must not be the case this week as it has progressively gotten worse the past 5 days.  This weekend even though we were out and about having a good time I hurt terribly.  The pain was so great I had difficulty holding a bag of groceries that only had bread in it.  I went to the doctor this morning and she began to run a series of tests.  Hopefully, the results will be back on Wednesday and I'll visit with the doctor again on Thursday.  Two huge praises were that David and I were able to communicate with her/she with us and she seemed genuinely concerned/good bedside manner.  I was concerned that there would be a language barrier even though the doctor did speak english (just not her native language).

I share this with you on here so when my family comes to your mind you'll pray wisdom for my doctors, accurate test results, peace in my heart,  relief and answers for my pain, and a treatment plan.  David has been wonderfully caring through all this and the girls are trying their best to understand that mommy isn't feeling well.  I'm struggling with school with the girls since I'm not on top of my game.  I need to just let that go for now and not push.  I'm so thankful Abigail is a self starter.  At least she can keep her school rolling with minimal help.

"What time I am afraid, I will put my trust in Thee."
"You will keep in perfect peace; him whose mind is steadfast on Thee."

to be continued...

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