Sunday, March 13, 2011

More Culture...

Oh, how I despised going to museums growing up.  Actually, I pretty much couldn't stand doing that until, oh...maybe...when we traveled to China to be really honest!  Once I started seeing firsthand how many different people groups there really are in this world then I got into it.  I think it's completely unreal to see how other cultures live (and experience it, too!).  We went to the Museum of Ethnology this weekend.  It was really fascinating.  Wow...did I just say that?  I must be a "big girl" now! Truly, it was fascinating.  The country is made up of 54 ethnic groups.  The museum has all kinds of artifacts, photographs, maps, and actual homes that had been moved from the original villages, etc.  Eventhough I know why it's dark here I have even a better understanding of why..  It's so sad..  They're set in tradition and rituals- not in Truth.
Can you see the bicycle under all these fishing baskets...all 800 of them?
replica of villagers and their weaving loom
one of many colorful robes
workers on site putting "roofs" together
This was my favorite home we saw.
School group visiting.  They really weren't posing for us!  Their teacher was taking a pic and David jumped in there as well.
The girls thought it was pretty cool to climb up, but they thought differently on the way down!  Personally, I'd prefer a home that wasn't "tied" together with straw, but hey...that's just me!  No OSHA standards here : )
52 rowers for this boat!
Sometimes I wonder..."I'm really not THAT tall am I?"
We were trying to do the typical pose of the locals sitting...I couldn't do it because of my bad knees!
Everywhere we go we see professional photographers taking pics.   I wonder what the occasion was.
My sweets looking out from one of the houses.

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