Friday, March 18, 2011

follow up...

Ever seen this posted in the waiting room of a doctor's office in the states????

Well, I know I'm making myself at home in my new country when the receptionist at the international clinic greets me by name when I enter!  I've been to the clinic 4 out of the 5 days this week already, and I just may try for another one...LOL!  I received the results of my blood work on Wednesday.  Everything came back normal with the exception of having an elevated ESR (inflammation) and abnormal liver function.  I've been SO very thankful for the care I've received so far.  I'd prayed specifically for a doctor who would truly be interested in my case and show concern...I have received that this week!  I told her how impressed and thankful I've been with the clinic.  Who in the world at a doctor's office comes and apologizes (not once but twice!) they're running late????  Seriously.  In infant arrived just prior to my appointment and it was an emergency.  Ummm, no problem.  Take care of the baby.  I'm happy to wait- especially when you're polite enough to tell me what's happening!

Yesterday, I had a sonogram of my liver.  Everything looked okay- PTL.  I also went to an acupuncturist.  It was my first time to ever do that, and it was quite interesting to have 20 needles sticking in my body from my neck all the way to my ankles.  I was quite fascinated talking with the acupuncturist and learning more about it, but I also felt very uncomfortable with some things she talked about.  I'm very open to non-traditional medicine, but I'm not okay with religion in which in comes.  She believes some pretty weird things which go against my total belief system so I'm lying on this table like a porcupine wondering and praying if I should even be in there. A little too much yin, yang and "positive energy" for me!  I know there are docs who have been trained in this and do not adhere to the "other" part of it, but she obviously does.   Today, I must say I do feel some better. I actually dressed myself without feeling excruciating pain.  Just to give you a better idea of my pain level it's been difficult to open a door, twist the milk carton top off, can't turn over in bed, sit down/get up, even wash my hair because of having to lift my arms.  It's been most frustrating that I can't pick up AA or bend down too kiss them goodnight.

So, here's where I stand right now.  Since testing and labs are limited where I am it's necessary to fly to Bangkok to see a rheumatologist for further testing and possible hospitalization.  My doctor is leaning toward some type of auto immune disease, but she's just limited with what she find out here. I've requested to see a certain rheumatologist there, and we're waiting to hear back from the hospital.  I "happened" to get an email from an acquaintance who has been seen by this rheumatologist at this very that's the reference I'm going with!  The clinic sets up everything for us- even our flights from what we understand at this point.  I have heard nothing but wonderful things of the care, treatment and facility there, and my girls are beyond PUMPED that there's a McDonald's there!!!  I must say THAT may be worth the trip!

Thank you, Mom and Tonya, for the following encouragement that have meant a lot this week!
"Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 

"When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your  sleep will be sweet."  

"May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.  May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it." 

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