Friday, April 8, 2011

Great news, bad news

I was seen by the cardiologist and Dr. Nathalie today.  So the good news first.  "Dr. Heart" said my heart was in good condition and hasn't been affected by this disease.  I was also told that my kidney numbers are good, too...PTL!!  I was so concerned they had been affected due to the horrible pain in my back/kidney area.  I look rather elderly as I walk.  This young teenager stopped me at the clinic and said, "Oh my...are you okay!?!" - yet another realization of how old I'm feeling and looking at this point  < SIGH > ...

The bad news is that my CPK number (the muscle enzyme that has been extremely elevated and triggered this entire thing) is even more elevated than when I was in Bangkok...fooey.  She explained to me that since my CPK is so high my kidneys are having to work like quadruple overtime to process the enzymes.  That made since to me.  Not real sure why it had gone done in Bangkok and it has risen again now, but I'm so thankful treatment has begun.  My CPK is near 8000 and "normal" is around 200...ouch.  It's going to take awhile to get it down, but I'm anxious to see how my Great Physician is going to bring it down even faster!    The other good news is I feel some relief in my!!!  I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but trust IS to me!!!

Another sweet friend brought us dinner for tonight.  THANK YOU, Pam!  I'm just so touched how people are reaching out to help and they barely know me.  "Helping" here is so much more of an effort here than in the states.  Nobody has cars to just hop right into and pop over to help.  There's effort and lots of it.  WOW- so grateful!

On another I was reading yesterday I came across the following passage.  I always write dates in my margin when a passage is particularly meaningful to me.  This one said "1-29-11 health"...hmmmm.  Now is says "4-6-11 health".  I have lots of those written in margins!  Anyway, probably doesn't make a lot sense to anyone other than myself, but the same verses so encouraged me yesterday for the health reasons. It's so completely amazing to me that when I was truly sinking yesterday, God encouraged with sending me back to Dr. Nathalie and I felt relief partially due to a "plan" and diagnosis.  THANK YOU!

Psalm 142
"I cry aloud to the LORD;
   I lift up my voice to the LORD for mercy.
 I pour out before him my complaint;
   before him I tell my trouble.
When my spirit grows faint within me,
   it is you who watch over my way...
 I cry to you, LORD;
   I say, “You are my refuge,
   my portion in the land of the living.”
 Listen to my cry,
   for I am in desperate need;
rescue me from those who pursue me,
   for they are too strong for me.
Set me free from my prison,
   that I may praise your name.
Then the righteous will gather about me
   because of your goodness to me."

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