Friday, April 15, 2011

a little bit of sanity?

Okay, I must report that I FINALLY...I got some sleep last night YAHOO!  I can't remember when I actually slept through the night, but last night was a start.  It took 3 hours for a sleeping aid to kick in, but it kicked and I'm most grateful.  I'm quite confident that some sleep will aid in my healing and in my sanity at this point.

My little angel, Doreen, came for the 3rd day in a row to provide a delicious meal for us.  Words cannot express my gratitude, and when I grow up I hope I can be as compassionate and helpful as she has been.  THANK YOU.  I must have dozed off on the sofa while she was still here so she just slipped out quietly without me knowing.  You're kindness is most appreciative!

Today has been quite uneventful. School (girls are trying their best, bless their lovin' hearts!), rest (me), play (girls), read (for those in the house who can!), drink (I think I can float Noah's ark with all the water I'm consuming!).  School, rest, play, read, drink...Oh, I did pluck my eyebrows for the first time in like who knows how long.  Who knew having 1/2 way decent manicured eyebrows would give me such pleasure!!! When you spend your entire day staring at the walls or the ceiling you think about funny things...sorry!  Actually, it gives me lots of time to think.  Remember..."things above", Christa!!!  Since I had a little bit of time on my hands today (lol!!) I strolled down AA's adoption blog to remind me of HIS  HE is faithful, and HE will see us through this.    He IS seeing us though.  I have NO doubt...none.

Along with restful and pain free sleep tonight, I am specifically asking Him to reveal wisdom to Dr. Nathalie (and the rest of the team) about our next step in treatment and we will have a peace about whatever it may be.  David and I feel like some decisions need to be made but want to be patient for the right answers.  We know they will come.  If you didn't know, "waiting" IS my middle name.  David and I were discussing prior to him leaving for work that it's interesting for us to see the big picture from our perspective.  There are so many docs who have been brought in on my case seeing it from their perspective.  Each one have provided a piece of the puzzle.   How grateful I am for each of them!  I'm so thankful for the sleep last night, and I do sincerely hope that my body begins to readjust to that wonderful little thing called sleep and I'll begin to see remarkable improvement due to rest, medicine and His healing hand.
My wonderful husband made time to teach our Jr. Master Chef, Abigail, how to make his famous omelets this morning.  David, I love you, and I know you're worn out.  YOU will make it, too.  Just know your girls love you and think you are preeeeeeeettty incredible!   Muuuu-wah!

So...peace out for the sleep and sanity!

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