Monday, April 18, 2011

sweet memory

Today, I had too much of apartment life and asked my man to take me out for a spin.  So...I "geared up"
 (aka lathered up with SPF 50, put longer pants on, sun visor, and even a long sleeve shirt...oh my!) to protect my "derma" from my favorite vitamin in the entire world..."D".  The girls rode their bikes to the "park" (the cement block at the end of the street) and David escorted me via motorbike since I can't walk that far.  That didn't last long because someone had moved my park bench!

We then rode around the lake for a bit...just to tank it up the bike and buy an ice cream.  We parked in the shade to enjoy some sunshine and watch the monkeys swing on the trees (Abigail!).   I got overwhelmed with emotion (imagine that!).  The first was utter joy and contentment due to being outside and not in the apartment and enjoying my most favorite season of the year!  Then I got choked up realizing how disabled I am right now and can't do the things I would normally do IN this beautiful weather.   Then in my extreme effort of dwelling on things above I had the funniest and sweetest memory, too.  I grew up going to the lake.  We had a boat, and I have SUCH fond memories of the lake.   we had the best sandwiches and "Little Debbies" on the boat (and why are sanwdwiches better on the boat??? I will never understand that).   I learned to water ski at an early age....I was a duck, truly.  We even washed our hair in the lake if it was on a Saturday so that was one less thing we had to do prior in preparation for Sunday morning.   I loved (and still do!) the water and sun.

Many of those boat trips (and beach trips) were with my mom's parents who we affectionately called "Ga and Dad-Dad".  Now, my grandmother is referred to as "Nini" (my oldest nephew renamed her when he first began to talk).  All of us made fun of her because she would wear this bright, yellow, long-sleeved shirt and a hat at all times when she was in the sun.  Family, you know the shirt!!!!  How old is it now???  We weren't really making fun of her.  We just all teased her out of pure fun (and she was and is a good sport about it)!  Anyway...when we were eating our ice cream this afternoon I looked down to see a zillion yellow leaves.  They were the exact same color of Nini's "lake" shirt.  I just laughed and shared that story with my girls, and they thought it was funny.  This same grandma is the one who quotes Ps 103 "Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefit"— before her feet even touch the ground each morning.  Nini, I love you and I enjoyed remembering you and your funny lake shirt today!   Now...I am the one who has to wear the "yellow" shirt!   It was a sweet memory, but it made me miss my family.  Mom, stop....I know you're probably crying as we speak. : )  Pray for my momma, too.  She is scheduled for back surgery in early May, but it in so much pain, she called to see if they had a cancellation this week....uggh.

THE yellow shirt color!

My little monkey

not a really clear picture....workers taking a break (their shirts just need to be mustard yellow!)
rowers on the lake
Yes, this is the foam that was purchased to "help" soften my bed....ummm, it's better for wrapping daddy up like a burrito!
Thankful for many things this weekend.  Mr. Gregg taking the girls to Sunday meeting yesterday while I stayed behind to rest and David had to work, David and the girls riding bikes with our friends Julie, Kyle and their sweet daughters, friend coming to town tomorrow, better sleep the past few nights, Dr. Nathalie emailed back on her holiday ( kind!), skyped with family and friend back home, and I'm enjoying a new study by Priscilla Shirer, "Jonah".

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