Saturday, April 30, 2011

Things that make you go hmmmm...

This is what happens when you fly to Bangkok, go straight to the hospital, and wait 6 hours for mommy to check in all in one day...bless her heart!
Just how many plastic containers can one fit on a motor bike???
We don't know how AA does it, but every time she jumps, her feet don't look like they're off the ground!

So, it's probably not everyday this waiter is greeted by "hungry dog".  I love my crazy hubby, and I would have loved to be a fly on THAT wall! 

The surgeon came in first things this morning, marked my left quad where he'd take the muscle, and I waited until noon to come around to have the biopsy done.  At 10:00 the nurse came in and said it's been postponed until Monday...maybe even Tuesday because the lab where the tissue will be sent is closed this weekend to their "Labor Day" holiday.  The tissue has to make it to the lab within an hour to start testing.  So...more waiting.  Dr. S decided to go ahead with starting the IV steroid.  I've already had my first dose this afternoon.   Two more to go.

*The team effort that is going into my case!  They explain things to us.  They are very willing to answer all of my crazy questions!
*My chest pain is non-existent today...guess that's due to my newly diagnosed mild asthma and the breathing treatments I've already had for that!
*That some  tests are coming back "negative" thus ruling out more issues!
*The tests that are coming back "not normal" or "showing inflammation" are being confirmed and treated!
*Rachel continues to amaze us with handling the girls!
*The family is having a fun afternoon with friends (although I don't know how fun it could possibly be without me...hee hee!)! 
*I've had two pretty good nights of sleep thank to my friend, "Mr. Stronger Sleeping Pill" and "Mrs. Muscle Relaxant"!
*We had a tea and crumpet party in the hospital room in honor of the Royal wedding...actually, it was bottled water and bagel sandwiches!

* Give the surgeon a steady hand and take muscle sample that is most affected
*That the biopsy will take place on Monday, not Tuesday.
*The IV steroid wouldn't interfere at all with biopsy results and  Dr. S will be confident in this next step of treatment
*That I would not have any side affects from the steroids and/or other meds
*Complete healing and that my muscles will rebuild themselves quickly 
*That any doctor on the team who has a different thought on diagnosis would would make their voice known and there would be 100% unity in diagnosis

I've GOT to get well, because it's absolutely killing me not being able to run around with my family and friends....that's what I love doing!!!!  sniff sniff : (

1 comment:

Calina Jane said...

We can easily found many things which can make us very much scary and at that time we are not able to do any thing. These all of the pics are very beautiful. And showing some of the different thing.