Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Insomniac is up

Mrs. Insomniac is awake awaiting for the travel alarm to go off soon (shouldn't that be the other way around?). In just a few hours we'll be boarding our flight to Bangkok and head straight to the hospital.

Specifics requests for today:
*Smooth connections (specifically, that even the taxi will FIND our apt and get us to airport on time)...thank you, Gregg for arranging that for us!
*Physical strength and endurance for a gruelling day on my body. "My grace is sufficient for you, my power is mad perfect in weakness." II Co. 12:9
*Wheelchair to meet us at each airport.
*I would find a position on airplane to hold up my weak head/neck.
*No pain in my ears/chest during flight. ""The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and He delivers them." Ps.34:7
*Grace for all travelling and many blessings on "Aunt Rachel"...our special friend who changed her plans again to go with us and "hang" with the girls!
"The LORD your God, who is going before you, will fight for you...before your very eyes..." Dt. 30:1
I don't think I've ever been so ready to be hospitalized.  Is that just weird???? Okay, don't answer that! My girls are beyond excited about McDonald's and Subway again, too!!  It's the little things in life, ya know : )

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