Monday, April 11, 2011

major pain...again

Okay, call me crazy,  but it's now 1:15 in the morning on Tuesday now for me....and I'm dying in pain again.  As soon as I went to bed (on my oh- so- not-so- soft- new-foam- mattress- topper -purchased- today) I almost immediately began hurting again.  Yes, everything I said less than 24 hours ago is true, and I'm MOST grateful for it, but thing can change in a blink of an eye.  I must get sleep.  For me, when I don't get good sleep I'm a crazy woman.  Word picture for you- think: both arms and legs (and rest of body) are in turnicates (and the squeezing your limbs as hard as they can x 1000) and you get an idea of the burning sensation I'm feeling right now OR think inflammed muscles sleeping on a bed of hot coals. Anyway...if anyone happens to be reading this right now, please for for sweet sleep and pain to lessen!  So...I'm back on the sofa...cheers!  Take every thought (and pain) captive!!!! (Thanks, Kristina!)

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