Thursday, April 28, 2011

Loooooong day

Ask me two hours ago if I'd be blogging tonight, and it would have been a big, fat NO!  Let me back up a bit though.   I had a lovely breakfast all by myself in a very lovely hospital room, but I didn't feel very lovely.  I've been up since 4:00am (yes, my pretty normal wake up time these past few weeks).  On a positive note, it was a really yummy breakfast and it was delivered with a beautiful pink rose.  nice.  OH, and the view isn't too bad either! 
Wish it were a better shot, but camera phones just don't work too well.

My peace and quiet didn't last too long.  I was whisked away via wheelchair to my first appointment of the day- the opthamologist.  All good there except for dry eyes and I'm blind as a bat, but that's not new news!   I was then surprised by VISITORS!!!!  Yes, can you believe it???  David and I heard a knock, knock, knock ans in came the brother and sister-in-law of  friends back in the states who are here for a few days.  SUCH a fun surprise...thank you and nice to meet you, Scott and Christine!  I am so touched that you dropped in to cheer us up.  Of course, I took a picture but forgot to download it before David and the camera went bye bye. 

Then....the dermatologist and ENT. I was not a happy camper during my ENT visit. All my reports came back good, but it was very painful.  Just sitting in the wheelchair waiting to be seen by the doctor wears me out.  Then he had me sit in this super straight chair which he then proceeded to  "flip" me on my back where I started crying and yelling for him to sit me back up because the pain in my neck and chest was so intense.  Tears began to flow, and....well, not good.  I was told I needed to "cooperate'.  Hello!?!?!  I'm lying flat on my back, not moving (because I can't!), and he's frustrated that he can't get the right angle to examine my ear.  I really wanted to slap him silly, and I'm so not the slappin' type! AND...getting your ear wax suctioned out when you have pain and inflammation in your ear is just not a good feeling.  

David was with me a good portion of the day while Rachel entertained the girls- shopping, swimming, and I'm sure a host of other things for which I'm most grateful!  She's getting a good taste of mommyhood, that's for sure.  Late this afternoon my pain became so horrible again.  I was just over the top.  Enough that I went into the "ugly cry", called for pain meds, and David went to hunt down a nurse.  JUST when I cried out to HIM for help, "Dr. S" comes walking in...PTL!  Again, he's the"man in charge here and am so grateful for him.  I kind of hated to be so upset when he entered, but I'm actually really glad he saw the state I was in.  He ran down all today's results with us, and yesterday's blood tests.   Good but frustrating at the very same time.  I'm grateful my numbers are dropping, but I'm feeling worse.  So, here's the run down for my family...(they want details!).
*CPK down to 3363!
*Liver and kidney counts are good!
*Lung xray- clear!
*Pulmonary Function test- showed I have mild asthma (that just might explain why I couldn't breathe during real well during basketball and track growing up!?!?!)

He was encouraging and mystified all at the same time. He's not sure why I'm having the chest tightness, but as a doctor  he says "on paper" I'm doing better, but that doesn't help me out in other regards at the time being. 

Tomorrow will be another long testing day so strength and grace is needed.  I'm having a MRI, EMG, skin biopsy on my chest (due to the red rash) , muscle biopsy (pending MRI results)  and neurologist consult.  I think there's something else, but I can't remember!  Dr. S ordered me some gooooood meds tonight and I'm hoping they're about to kick in.  So...hasta luego, baaaaaaby!!!

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